Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bronwyn's 1st Haircut!!!

I took Bronwyn for her 1st hair cut... more like a hair trimming as it was not all that long, but it was just getting a little raggedy looking! I wanted it cleaned up a little, just not to lose her little curls in the back!!!
This is her before picture...

I took her to a fun place called LolliLocks! She got to sit on a special pink elephant and Miss Tracey trimmed away!

She sat really well. Miss Tracey did the cutest stlye on her hair! She even got glitter spray all through her hair when it was done!



Jamie said...

awwwwwww How cute!

Evelyn ~ Evelina said...

She looks sooo big!! I love the way her hair is styled!! Big Girl!!

Barb said...

A true milestone indeed! She's a cutie!