Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Welcome to the World!

Hayden Patrick Jones was born Friday, March 20th at 11:53 am. He came in weighing just 8 pounds, 9 1/2 ounces and measuring 21 1/4 inches long. We were so lucky, he was able to be born on Danny's 30th Birthday! (The best present I could have ever given him!) I went in Thursday night to be induced. By 11:00pm I was settled in and they had started pitocin. It was about 3:00am when my contractions were coming on stronger and I was given the epidural. At 7:00am my doctor came in and broke my water, I was still only dialated about 3 cm. The rest of the morning went by pretty slow. My mom and dad came to the hospital with Bronwyn, she had stayed overnight with them, early hoping to not miss anything. Danny's step-mom Evelyn came down early too, Jim was working out of town and had to miss this birth! After that Danny's mom Deb came down to join us also. The rest of the morning went by pretty slow, but having visitors always helps to pass the time. Danny's brother James and his wife Sarah came up from the Springs and so did his brother Greg and his wife Shannon. Danny's step-dad Scott made it over to the hospital also. I didnb't even get to see everyone because of how quickly things started going!
The nurses came in to check me out every hour or two, and I was barely changing from each time. My doctor told them to have me lay on my side and try bending my knees up as far as I could to my chest. Every 30 minutes I had to switch sides. Out of nowhere, I began to feel the contractions again. They started coming on stronger and stronger. The nurse checked the monitors and it seemed each time I had a contraction, Hayden's heart rate went up from lack of oxygen. So they made me wear an oxygen mask to get more to him. This was all at about 10:45am. They checked my cervix again and I had dialated to 6 cm. I was crying and getting all worked up, the pain was almost unbearable. They called the anesthesiologist in to give me a "boost" in my epidural. Once that kicked in I was doing a little better. I started talking about all the pressure I was feeling and after checking me again, I was dialated to 10 cm. They had called my doctor at her office and she headed right over. I was ready for delivery in no time! Still thinking Hayden was going to be huge, they were making lots of preparations to help him out, and help me if there was too much blood lost. Danny was able to stay by my side the entire time and help hold my left leg while I pushed. I pushed through 3 contractions, and with the start of the 4 one, Hayden was out!!! 9 minutes total!!! He came right out with no problems at all. It was just crazy! I was able to hold him right away, then they took him to cut his cord, clean him up and get his weight and such.
As soon as I was all cleaned up, Danny went out to the waiting room and got Bronwyn to bring her to meet her new brother! She seemed really excited. She had lots of hugs and kisses for him right away! I think she understands what happened. It seems she realizes he's not in my belly anymore. I know she's going to be a great big sister! All the grandparents were able to come in and meet Hayden and see Bronwyn with him. With Bronwyn, no one got to see her outside the nursery the day she was born. Since this hospital did things differently, everyone got to see us right away!
We were able to come home on Saturday, just after 1pm. My parents brought Bronwyn home and she was really happy to see Hayden again. More hugs and kisses! She likes to be able to hold him and to lay with him too. It's definitaly fun having him around! It's much easier this time around then it was bringing Bronwyn home. Having gone through this once before makes this time much easier to handle. We're no experts, but we're just not freaking out about everything!


Barb said...

Congratulations.... again! :)