Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A 34 Week Update!

I had my appointment this week and things are pretty much going the same. My belly is still measuring 4 weeks larger than it should! I have an ultrasound scheduled at the end of the month and then another appointment a couple days after with my doctor. She said that's when she'll be able to tell me if we need to plan on being induced early. If they see it's just alot of fluid then I should be okay, but if it's all baby, we might be having him a week or so early. So far to date I have gained 10 pounds and my doctor finds that to be fabulous! That's right where she wanted me. I'm really starting to feel the strain on my body. Everything is just harder lately. But I'm super busy trying to get things together for Bronwyn's birthday this weekend and then getting the nursery finished also. It has to happen! I mentioned how tired I've been feeling, so they pricked my finger and tested my blood. Seems my iron is a little low. They had me start taking an iron supplement and said I should feel much better within a week! I'm grateful for that... I really have got to keep going right now. That's pretty much anything new. My baby shower is in another 2 and a half weeks and I'm super excited for it! My friends Lisa, Barb and Laura are throwing it and we've having it my house. I'm determined to have the nursery done for it. And at this rate, little Hayden could be making his debut two weeks later, so need to be ready! My house is in shambles between getting the nursery going and redoing Bronwyn's room in the process. I feel like we just moved in all over again and I need to figure out where to put everything! Oh well... it'll get there... it always does! Now if I could just find out where I last saw my "mommy cape"...


Sassy Pants Freckle Face said...

You are rocin' it mama! No worries it will all come together. Good luck. Wish I could be at your shower to celebrate with you *HUGS*