Thursday, February 26, 2009

Welcome Drew Robert!

Wednesday March 25th, my little brother Danny and his wife Rachael welcomed their new baby boy into the world!!! Drew Robert came in around 1:45pm weighing 9 lbs 5 ounces and measuring 22 inches long!!! He's a Binford Boy for sure! Bronwyn and I spent most of the day down at the hospital along with my parents awaiting his arrival. Danny made it down to the hospital after working and got to see him in the nursery. He is so excited for Drew and Hayden to be close in age and grow up together!
After many hours for Rachael, and trying for more than an hour to push, little (or shall I say BIG!) Drew was stuck! They ended up having to perform a C-Section in order to get him out. Both Drew and Rachael are doing well. Seeing my brother with Drew is amazing! I know he is just in love with that little guy! He has such a sweet face.

Bronwyn and I had to leave for a bit before getting to see Rachael after delivery, but we made it back to the hospital to say hello and get another peek just before they were going to try and get a little rest for the night. Bronwyn had only seen Drew when Danny was bringing him from the nursery to the recovery room where Rachael was.

When he left with him Bronwyn was pretty upset. She cried and cried! The nurses thought he was her brother for sure! I can only imagine what we can expect once Hayden is born. Once we went in to see them all, she wanted to hold Drew right away. I didn't let her, new parents have enough to worry about and my 2 year old doesn't need to make them more nervous! We'll let him get a few days of life in before that scare!!!
We're so happy to have met little Drew, and we are so excited for both Danny and Rachael to be parents! Congratulations to them and we can't wait to see them all again!


Sassy Pants Freckle Face said...

awwwwww, way to go! Holy Smokes 9lbs, Ouch! What a woman!


Evelyn ~ Evelina said...

How exciting...congratulations. Looks like little miss bronwyn is going to love her baby brother when he arrives since she loves her baby cousin.