So in the last week I've found myself having lots of conversations with people about Hayden and how much he is talking. I've been counting up all the words he is saying and actually knowing what they mean. So I'll use this as a little documentation since I can't seem to get back to the baby book! The other day when we got to my moms house for work Hayden grabbed a book and brought it over to me. While i was talking to my mom he lifted the flap in the book and said "bubble", I looked down and agreed... and then did a double take! The flap actually said bubbles!!!! My mom reads it to him all the time, but he knew the word and knew where to find it! Such a little smarty!
Hayden's words at 16 months old are:
peesh (please)
tank (thank you)
teesh (teeth, he requests to brush them)
bye bye
nigh night
buzz (for his fav character Buzz Lightyear)
no no
yesh (yes, with a big long head nod)
ma ma
da da
pa pa (and has been heard giving out a gumpa)
welcome (although I have not officially heard it)
hug (my favorite cause he says when he leans in for one!)
and ut-oh!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Something to brag about...
blogged about with care by ~ tara 2 comments
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
What a Little Performer!
Bronwyn loves to dress up and she loves to request some music to dance to. The latest thing she wants is to wear her leotard with the huge tutu! She's so funny about it. She changes her voice to ask real sweetly and gives this smile that you cannot say no to. She's very amusing to watch. This video is the best (well, other than the fact that Hayden cried through the entire thing) because Bronwyn really gets into it and makes up a dance all on her own. She's so serious and when she doesn't realize I'm recording her she can be so entertaining!
Click here to see her in action!After lots more dancing and talking me out of her nap she sat down to watch a movie. Shortly into it she just crashed. But she was too cute with all the princess attire!
blogged about with care by ~ tara 1 comments