Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Time for Trick-Or-Treating!

Halloween Day brought prefect weather and not too chilly of a night! The kids headed out for treats with their cousins Alex and Logan. They have so much fun going out together each year. Bronwyn and Hayden were Cinderella and Prince Charming. This was Hayden's 1st year to really understand the concept and get what it was all about. He loved being with the other kids and was very, very polite. He actually tried to stick around and chat with a lot of people! I got lots of compliments from other parents out on Hayden's costume. They loved that he was Bronwyn's Prince. At some houses the person handing out candy would even call someone else to the door to see them. And Hayden was hamming it up! He even gave some people a special bow as he left! After we decided the kids had enough loot we headed back to our house and all the kids passed out all of our candy. They loved giving handfuls to every trick-or-treater!