Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!!!

Hello and Happy Easter! This morning when I woke up and peeked out the window I noticed something in the snow that had stuck out in our driveway... bunny footprints!!! If only Bronwyn was old enough to understand, I would have taken her out there to show that he really had been to our house! We brought her downstairs and showed her her Easter basket. She got some easter dressed bath duckies, a singing lamb, a porcelin easter egg, a pair of bunny pajamas and a few other things. She was fun to watch! Then we got dressed up and met Aunt Mary and Great-Granma Jones at church. Bronwyn was singing and loved all the attention she got from everyone around. Danny realized after we had been up that he had pink eye! So he didn't want to go to church and maybe pass it on. In the afternoon we went to my parents house for an early Easter dinner. (Danny with pink eye drops in hand.) My brother and Rachael were there also. It was fun to hang out and relax... and eats lots of food! When we came home we took some pictures to share with you! Enjoy!