Monday, April 21, 2008

What a Monday!

This morning Bronwyn and I had just left the house and didn't get but 1/2 a mile from our house when WHAM!!!! We were hit from behind! I'll tell you first that we are both okay. But it really was scary! I keep hearing the sound of the car hitting me over and over. Luckily, I drive a good size SUV and the other passenger - let's call her the DGNPA (Dumb-Girl-Not-Paying-Attention) - drove a small car with a low front end. We had just pulled up to the stop light behind a couple other cars. I had just opened my morning shake and was taking a sip when she hit us! Chocolate Slim Fast all over my clean white shirt and my sunglasses, making it impossible to see. We pulled around the corner after seeing that we were all okay and exchanged information. But the DGNPA was definitaly trying to tell me that there was no damage to my car. She started brushing all her paint off my car and saying that's all there was. But there are two cracks on each side of my bumper. And I lease the jeep so I would be stuck paying for it later.

Since we were still so close to home I turned around to go back and get cleaned up. I took Bronwyn out of her carseat and stood her there on the backseat. Just the thought of something happening to her made me so scared. I just looked at her and cried my eyes out for a minute. She just hugged me and held on tight. She seems to know when I really need a hug. Danny was still home so we went in and I told him everything that happened. Later I talked to the insurance companies and it seems that the DGNPA's company will handle everything. Now I have to make an appointment and get to the body shop to have the bumper repaired. I am definitaly thankful that we are okay, but I really hate dealing with these kinds of things. At least I can report that her carseat is successful in handling rear impacts! What a way to start a Monday!


Barb said...

That's scary stuff! I'm glad everyone's okay. (But, PS - you should crop out your license plate number or Photoshop it blurry b/c these blogger pages can be viewed by anyone.)