Monday, May 10, 2010

Celebrating Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all our favorite moms, grandmothers, aunts, and mommy friends! Sandwiched in-between some crummy weather, this Mother's Day was absolutely perfect! So sunny and so warm and so perfect for just relaxing! We spent the day just hanging out around the house. The kids and I had all gotten sick a couple days before so it was easy to spend some time hanging around and catching up on a few things.
We made a trip to Danny's dads house to visit with Evelyn and wish her a Happy Mother's Day. After wards we went to spend the rest of the afternoon with my mom. My brother Danny, Rachael, and Drew were also there and we all had dinner together. My dad was cooking... aka: grilling steaks! I ate and ate and was way too stuffed!
The kids got to play outside a bit and we all just relaxed. After cake we headed home. Danny and the kids caught up with his mom for a bit using the webcam. Bronwyn really likes how that works! She thinks it's pretty fun to see someone talking to you through the computer. And Hayden cooperated and showed off all his "tricks"!
I'm very thankful for Danny and my two adorable kids to celebrate my day with! I would be lost without each of them!


Barb said...

yay skype! ;)

Jamie said...

Hey thanks for Recognizing the Aunts out there Tara!!! Happy Mother's Day to you!