Wednesday, May 5, 2010


It goes without fail. The weather is nice, I open up the windows. In with the fresh air comes the sound of the Ice Cream Truck. It's the cutest when Bronwyn puts her hand cupped around her ear and says, "Mommy, do you hear that? I think I hear the ice cream man!" So off we go outside to chase the song. Well, recently the truck driver has learned where exactly on the street we live and I swear he now slows down until we come out! A couple weeks backs on about ice cream treat #3, we decided that Bronwyn was going to learn the value of money and how to earn her own ice cream. Each night now, if Bronwyn cleans up all her toys before bed, she gets a quarter. It's not much but we figure she was already being asked to clean up and now she is understanding the reward, and what it gets her. So she gets the money and buys her own treat. We get a clean living room at the end of each day.
We heard the truck the other day and she went running for her wallet. I have to explain to her that it is her money and that she has to keep up on her chores to be able to buy more ice cream. I think she understands it. And she loves getting to make the decision on what to choose. This week she chose the Strawberry Shortcake.

Hayden also seems excited that Bronwyn is buying her own ice cream! She let him have the 1st bite! Then she continued to share about half of the rest. What a sweet big sister! Hayden sure is lucky!

Here is a funny video of Bronwyn sharing her ice cream... and Hayden getting rather greedy!


Sassy Pants Freckle Face said...

That is tooo Cute! what sweeties you have <3

The Bama Gardener said...

Hello Fellow Tara! Sweet video! Sweet babies! Sweet Blog! Can't wait to read more.

Stopping by from SITs!

mcgee family said...

LOL! loved the video...especially the "princess cry" at the end!! too cute!