Monday, August 29, 2011

A Pirate's Life for Hayden!

We have a little pirate that runs around our house. He wears a belt for his sword and sheath, a pirate hat, a hook over his little hand, keeps a spyglass in his pocket and a treasure map tucked under his arm. This is what he wears from the minute he wakes up. His trick is to tell us that he "pooped" so that he gets a fresh diaper. After the diaper he knows he's ready for a clean set of clothes. So he picks them out and asked to get dressed and even get his shoes on. Once he's ready he requests to watch Peter Pan or Return to Neverland. This happens EVERYDAY! We talk him out of the sword and sheath only for meals and nap time. And even then they must be kept close! He speaks in his pirate voice and is always looking for his treasure. He enjoys a good sword fight and is always willing to save the Pirate Princess (aka Bronwyn). He's certainly the sweetest little pirate I could ever imagine running into and I love him for his imagination! ♥