Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Seems like each year each holiday is a little more exciting as the kids get that much older and really enjoy it. This Easter was lots of fun. Before bed last night Bronwyn was so excited you would have thought Santa was coming! We dyed some eggs and the kids left out a couple of tiny carrots for the Easter Bunny.

Bronwyn woke up nice and early and could not sit still until she was allowed to wake Hayden up and see the baskets! They were both thrilled with the treats that the Easter Bunny left them. Lots of fun toys and not a ton of candy!

After we all got ready for the day my parents and brother and his family came over for breakfast and the Easter Egg Hunt! The kids are so fast at spotting them all and seemed to love it!

After spending a few hours hanging out and making my dessert to bring to dinner, Danny's Dad and Evelyn stopped by to visit and see the kids. Then we headed to my parents house for dinner. The kids filled up on ham and Bronwyn tried to eat the entire bowl of black olives! After dessert we left for home. Such a fun filled but relaxing holiday spent with family... perfect!