Thursday, July 10, 2008

Why I love Elmo!

We have been having the most exhausting week ever! All this work getting the new house ready has taken over our lives right now! Today I stayed home with Bronwyn to catch up on some cleaning (until we go and paint tonight) and a few other things around home. Bronwyn has been having a rough couple of days. We think she is seriously teething! Some of her molars are coming in! So she's been slowing things down for me lately. This morning I just couldn't make her happy. Until... our favorite red furry monster came on Sesame Street! She won't watch the whole show. Only the 20 minutes near the end when "Elmo's World" comes on. And those 20 minutes were my saviour this morning!

So today I salute you, Mr.-Red-Furry-Elmo-Monster. Without you, I could have never gotten myself showered and dressed!
