Monday, January 12, 2009

my honests...

So I've been tagged by both Amity and Barb to admit to 10 of my honest truths...
I've decided to play! Here are the rules in case I tag you!
A) first list 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!
B) pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.

1. I hate to check my blog and find that no one left any form of comment after I took the time to update. It's not always easy to find the time, and I thought people appreciated my work!

2. I'm turning 30 on the 30th... my "Golden Birthday"... and I have to admit I'm pleased with where I am at in my life. I don't think I would make any changes!

3. I hate drinking water and the fact that I'm trying to flood my kidneys is almost impossible for me!

4. I almost always have a pile of unfolded laundry in a basket in my room. We wear half of it before I get to the remains.

5. I only started cooking real dinners since Bronwyn was born. It was not until her that I valued the importance of family dinner time.

6. I don't use any condiments. Butter and salt... nothing more...

7. If Danny would be okay with it, I would be a surrogate mother.

8. I feel most beautiful when I am pregnant.

9. I feel like after two miscarriges last year everyone is so used to me being pregnant that this baby doesn't matter anymore...

10. I am a shopaholic! I know this... but I will not change.

Now, I've selected the following to tell their honest scrap! So do it!



Jamie said...

Awwww tara Just because you had 2 miscarriages, you being pregnant now matters more than anything, I'm sorry you feel that way! OMG, I get upset when I work so hard on a blog, like a video or something, and no one comments, It makes me feel like They don't care. Or things that are important to me, People could give 2 Sh**s about, But I get excited for their stuff (Even though Sometimes I don't care) OK I got 2 truths right there! HA!

Sassy Pants Freckle Face said...

SHUT UP! That almost made me cry, about your baby,.. he is very special and so are you! You know I am one sassy *%$@# Tell the ones that hurt you! Sometimes we all get wrapped up in our own story we forget to ask about the ones we love the most! As far as the sp? surrogate, I wanted to as well but, my husband says a big fat No!
I love to read your blog so there!

mcgee family said...

i aleady did mine- last week (barb tagged me too...) and your #10 was on my list too. not that people don't know that about us already! we are big enablers of one another and our shopping addictions! not good! fun, but not good!

and, your #9....SO sad, and SO not true! of course people care about you, and your amazing little miracle that you are growing in your belly! i, for one, can't wait to meet him!

Barb said...

Who has made you feel like #9 is true?! I'll whoop them...

And, #1 ~ I read all your posts, but usually do not comment unless i have something witty to say.
I think most people just don't know how to leave comments or are just plain lazy.

This Jones Family said...

I would play but I don't have anything creative to come up with right now...

Elainaryan9 said...

Oh honey, I care about this baby!! I think you are soooo lucky to be pregnant and think you are the cutest pregnant girl ever!!!

If I could figure out how to be savvy on blogging and facebook, I'd comment more for sure! But, I haven't taken the time nor have the patience it seems to play around on either! Love me some MySpace though!!

I hate when I don't get comments so I totally understand on that one!

I'll do the honest thing right now since I have some time and the internet!

I can't wait to meet baby baby Hayden!!!