Tonight we were hanging out in Bronwyn's room doing some cleaning when she slipped on a pair of princess shoes and the performer came out!! I realized that she was trying to sing the "Mr. Sun" song she learned from Barney. She learned the dance the kids do too! She kept saying "sun" really loud, until I tried to sing with her, then she just did her moves! She's so sweet, she makes my day!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
My Little Performer!
blogged about with care by ~ tara 2 comments
March of Dimes Walk!
Yesterday I participated in Team Kaleb for the March of Dimes, March for Babies Walk. We walked last year in honor of a family friend of ours who had a baby born 3 months early! Kaleb turned a year old on December 1st is very healthy now! He's such a cute little boy! His family and some of our friends got together again this year for the walk through downtown Denver. It's just over 6 miles and was quite the workout! I am still feeling sore! But it felt great to get out there and do it! Thank you to everyone who sponsered me! I'm happy to show my support for his family! Count me in for next year!!!
Team Kaleb ~ 2009
blogged about with care by ~ tara 2 comments
Hayden's 1 month Checkup!
I took Hayden in this week for his 1 Month Checkup! He's a growing boy, that's for sure! He now weighs 11 lbs, 2.5 ounces. And he's grown 2 inches since he was born! His head is growing too, he went from being in the 25th percentile to now being in the 35th percentile. But it's still a perfect little head! It was a quick and easy visit. Bronwyn came along this time and was finally well behaved! She did seem to get a little upset when the doctor was checking Hayden out, looking in his eyes and ears and mouth and all. She seems really protective of him! But Hayden is doing just fine, a happy healthy baby! Next visit... 3 shots!!!
blogged about with care by ~ tara 0 comments
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I think this is the start of what Danny is fearing most! Little girls wearing high heels! Danny was given some advice about these little princess dress up shoes being only the beginning. That next comes mini skirts and then tube tops!!! But she's too stinkin' cute... I had to share!
blogged about with care by ~ tara 0 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Actual Easter Day...
Easter morning is getting more fun each year! It was really exciting for Bronwyn to wake up and take her out to see what the Easter Bunny left for her. Hayden will take a couple of years to get into it... but Bronwyn will help him out until then!
After getting all of our treats, we went to church and met Aunt Mary. It was Haydens' first time and of course, he was very well behaved! Bronwyn on the other hand is harder and harder to keep still! The cutest thing is hearing her sing quietly to herself once everyone else is done. She really likes to watch everyone and then wait until she can hear herself! Afterwards, we were able to to squeeze in a little family nap before heading over to my parents house for Easter dinner. Danny, Rachael, and Drew joined us there too. The kids got lots of treats from Grandma and Grandpa. Both babies got baskets full of toys!!! Bronwyn loved her bubble toy for outside! And mommy and Bronwyn both got flowers from Grandpa!
After dinner, we headed over to visit with Grandpa and Abuela. It is so nice being so close and being able to visit with everyone in one day! We were able to just hang out with them for a little while and relax. Bronwyn and Hayden each got a special gift there as well. After a bit we headed back home, full and exhausted from the busy day!
blogged about with care by ~ tara 0 comments
Friday, April 10, 2009
Our trip to see the Easter Bunny!
We took our trip to see the Easter Bunny this week. My brother and his wife Rachael came along with my newest nephew Drew and my parents came also to see the newest babies with the Easter Bunny. Drew was just going on 6 weeks so it was fun to have both the boys see the Easter Bunny for the first time. Bronwyn was really cute, she was not afraid at all. She could not wait until we actually went up to see him and did not want to leave when it was time! She gave a lot of cheesy smiles and needed a little distance between her and the bunny, but she did really seem to enjoy herself!
Here's Bronwyn and Hayden's official picture! Here are the babies with the bunny! Drew is 6 weeks old and Hayden is just now 3 weeks!
Here's Bronwyn supposed to be showing off the bunny Grandpa bought for her! Funny that they set the Easter Bunny up right next to Snuggle Bugs... lots of cute stuff for babies!
Here's a Hayden only shot. His first trip to see the bunny!
I don't even have to pose him! He does it all himself!!!
Bronwyn and mommy, note the headband, she actually picked it out in the store and kept it on the whole time!!! Amazing! And of course... no blog can be complete without a little video clip catching some of the fun!
blogged about with care by ~ tara 3 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Always a bit of entertainment...
We were hanging out the other day watching Bronwyn play in the basement. She kept riding this horse that she got for christmas and laughing hysterically. I grabbed the camera to catch her on tape which of course led to a lesser performance. Although she was not as funny in the clip I caught, what happens gives a good laugh! Somehow... the saddle to her horse was unbuckled... something she could not have managed herself... guess we need to monitor things a little better after having any kids over!!!
blogged about with care by ~ tara 2 comments
First Family Fun Day... for the family of four!
Last week we decided we all needed to get out of the house and have a little fun. Besides going to my parents and the pediatricians office (which by the way, Hayden is gaining weight! Now just a few ounces over birth weight!) twice a week we hadn't been anywhere in 2 weeks. We decided we would make a trip out to the Denver Aquarium. It's always lots of fun and we knew we could keep Hayden snug inside the stroller while Bronwyn got to have lots of fun. Here are a few pictures from our day!
blogged about with care by ~ tara 1 comments