Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hayden's 1 month Checkup!

I took Hayden in this week for his 1 Month Checkup! He's a growing boy, that's for sure! He now weighs 11 lbs, 2.5 ounces. And he's grown 2 inches since he was born! His head is growing too, he went from being in the 25th percentile to now being in the 35th percentile. But it's still a perfect little head! It was a quick and easy visit. Bronwyn came along this time and was finally well behaved! She did seem to get a little upset when the doctor was checking Hayden out, looking in his eyes and ears and mouth and all. She seems really protective of him! But Hayden is doing just fine, a happy healthy baby! Next visit... 3 shots!!!