Saturday, May 9, 2009

Taking over...

Danny and I are now being run out of our own bed! In the morning Bronwyn comes in once she wakes up... with whatever toys she had chosen to make a part of our room for the day! And Hayden sleeps in a pack-n-play in our room and usually after his last bottle in the morning he gets to snuggle in our bed. Now Bronwyn likes to come in and snuggle with him leaving no more room for mommy and daddy!

They are super cute! And with a little sweet face like this... I'll never kick him out!


Sassy Pants Freckle Face said...

Sorry but that is just toooooo D*mn CUTE!!!! DARLING!!

mcgee family said...

so funny! where do you get to sleep after bronwyn wakes up and brings herself and her toys in?