Friday, May 29, 2009

we ♥ ice cream!

Bronwyn and I were doing a little work out in the backyard when we heard one of our new favorite neighborhood sounds... the ICE CREAM TRUCK!!!
We ran inside to get some money and headed out front to see if we could find him. We live on a corner house and sometimes it's tricky to figure out where he is. We wait on the corner and wave and he comes right over! Bronwyn loves it! And she loves getting to pick from the menu of tasty treats!

We like the Oreo Ice Cream Bar the best! Some the best $3 I've spent! I just have to make sure I always have that cash at home now!!!


Sassy Pants Freckle Face said...

That Rocks!, Idk if we have one of those here, But I remember the 1st time Mel got an icecream from the Ice cream truck! I still Have those pics!, Make up a ice cream Jar and put change in it that way you'll always have the $$,...
Enjoy! Looks NummY!

Barb said...

wow, that ice cream man's hair is a MESS! ;)

mcgee family said...

i remember when hailey first discovered the ice cream truck! we had to raid the change in the junk drawer to buy her special spiderman popsicle! boy, the prices have gone up since we were young getting our own treats from the ice cream truck! i love amity's idea of the ice cream jar...i am going to do that!

i love bronwyn's face finishing up her ice cream bar! so cute!