We seem to find Little Ladybugs every time we are outside! They seem to really enjoy spending time in our backyard. We can find them all over! Bronwyn has taken a liking to letting them crawl on her! She likes to get them to go from your hand to hers. She's funny the way she gets so excited and freaked out at the same time! I have to limit the amount of "ladybug love" she is able to give. I have to give them a chance to get away before they get hurt!
Somehow I think the ladybugs have helped to not make her afraid of ANY bugs! She loves to find the little rolly pollies and try to pick them up. (Not much luck as then tend to crawl up and roll away!) She also tries to pick up ants and even spiders! We found a snail last weekend and I put it up on a ledge in the backyard for her to watch and had to keep a close eye to make sure she wouldn't touch it! I can't stand bugs! I hate to even kill them! Ladybugs are one thing... but the rest... YUCK!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Little Ladybug!
blogged about with care by ~ tara 0 comments
We have a 3 month old!!!
I can hardly believe that Hayden is already 3 months old!!! ... and a week, as I am slow in getting my posts done! I cannot say enough just how sweet he is! He's all smiles whenever any of us come around. I like to think that I'm his favorite, but Bronwyn just may have me beat! He loves seeing her and gets real excited when she comes around! He also is making lots of sounds now when he gets excited! It really sounds like he is laughing too! He is such a happy little boy!
graphics for moms
Hayden's favorite activities include: ♥lounging in his swing ♥downing a 5 ounce bottle in 15 minutes or less ♥having his diaper changed (it's sometimes when you get the biggest smile) ♥a quick dip in his bathtub ♥laying under his playmat and kicking at the toys above him ♥and apparantly still waking his mommy every 3 hours through the night!
Here is a video of Hayden on his newest toy! It's the surfboard! He's gettin' the hang of it. Each time he's on it he gets a little more active! We love watching him grow! ♥Love him!
blogged about with care by ~ tara 0 comments
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day!!!
I wanted to wish Danny a very Happy Father's Day! Thank you so much for all that you do for our family. I don't know where I'd be without you, Bronwyn and Hayden in my life. Together we can get through anything. Thank you for always being by my side and providing support for me. You truly are my best friend and I love every new minute of my life knowing that you are in it!
blogged about with care by ~ tara 4 comments
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Bronwyn's 1st Dance Recital!
graphics for moms
Bronwyn was in her very 1st dance recital this weekend!!! During the Mommy and Me dance class we were taking, she learned a little dance and her class performed at the very beginning of the studio's yearly recital. We were so excited to see her on stage. Danny and I were so nervous for her all afternoon, knowing that she had no idea what she was about to go do. We wanted to make the day extra special for her. We took her to have her hair styled just before the recital. Then we headed to the school it was at. My mom and dad, Danny's dad and Evelyn, and Normando and Jamie came to watch her perform. The class teachers came out and took all the girls backstage. Bronwyn had no problem leaving us! They were able to each wear their own bathing suit for the dance so I assumed she thought she was going swimming... no wonder she ran away with all the other girls in bathing suits! We were all taken in to an area where we could watch the performance. (We got out of having to buy tickets and sit through an entire show since they are so little and were the first to go on!) As soon as the girls came out the crowd was all "Ooohhhh's"
They were just too cute! The music started up and the teachers helped to get the girls to follow along. Bronwyn had a teacher right by her side that helped her along and showed her the moves. I think she may have been the youngest up there. She was right in the middle too! Bronwyn looked really happy, I doubt she realized all the people in the audience! She was all smiles and just dancing away! You can see for yourself in the video! (Thank you Jamie for getting a good video! And I'm super glad you could not see my face when you panned over, I was a teary mess!)
After the routine we met the girls in the hall. Bronwyn came running down and jumped right into Danny's arms! He sure shed a tear or two also! He was so proud of her! We all gave her hugs and took tons of pictures! She was still so happy and in such a perfect mood! Afterwards we all went out to dinner to celebrate! Bronwyn got some flowers and gifts and Jamie made her special cupcakes for dessert!
I can not explain how proud I was to see her on stage. She truly is the sweetest little girl I could ever imagine knowing. She lights up every day of my life and I love watching her grow. Truly our little princess! To my mom and dad, Jim and Evelyn, and Normando and Jamie... thank you so much for wanting to be a part of this special day! It really means alot to us to have had you each there!♥
blogged about with care by ~ tara 4 comments
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Tornado coming at us!!!
This afternoon we had quite the experience! My friend Shandi and I were sitting inside our house talking when her heard tornado sirens going on. We, like everyone else, did exactly what you should not do in a situation like this... we hurried outside to get a closer look! There it was right in front of us! We watched as it moved quickly in our direction, swirling and swirling. Danny's brother James was just pulling up to our house and the two of them hurried to get the kids inside. It was raining hard out and then the hail started up. I ran back and forth through my porch trying to collect as many of my flower pots as I could to save them... that's over a hundred dollars after all!!!
It started getting pretty rough outside so we closed up the door and stayed inside. We got crazy amounts of golf sized hail! It was so loud and it got real dark outside. Everything passed after about 20 minutes. We heard that the tornado touched down about 4 miles north of us and again about 1 mile east of us. Seems like it twirled right around our house! We talked with my parents and Danny's parents who both live in the same neighborhood. They both got some damage but luckily everyone was home at the time and okay. Each of Danny's, James's, and Shandi's trucks got some hail damage. We spoke to Shandi's mom who was working at a store in the shopping center the tornado touched down in and she saw it pretty close up! She said she passed houses driving home that had the roofs blown off! Pretty crazy! We could not believe how close it was! Now our lawn is covered in broken branches and fallen leaves. So we've got a mess to clean up. But it sure was uper exciting!!!
blogged about with care by ~ tara 1 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
My mOst fAvORite LiTtle pEopLe!
Bronwyn asked for Hayden to sit with yesterday in her big stuffed chair. As soon as I placed him on her lap she started singing to him! Don't ask me what the words are... what's cute is that she made up a whole song! And Hayden just sits there, he must really love her to put up with all she does to him!
blogged about with care by ~ tara 1 comments