Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Little Ladybug!

We seem to find Little Ladybugs every time we are outside! They seem to really enjoy spending time in our backyard. We can find them all over! Bronwyn has taken a liking to letting them crawl on her! She likes to get them to go from your hand to hers. She's funny the way she gets so excited and freaked out at the same time! I have to limit the amount of "ladybug love" she is able to give. I have to give them a chance to get away before they get hurt!
ladybug animated Pictures, Images and Photos
Somehow I think the ladybugs have helped to not make her afraid of ANY bugs! She loves to find the little rolly pollies and try to pick them up. (Not much luck as then tend to crawl up and roll away!) She also tries to pick up ants and even spiders! We found a snail last weekend and I put it up on a ledge in the backyard for her to watch and had to keep a close eye to make sure she wouldn't touch it! I can't stand bugs! I hate to even kill them! Ladybugs are one thing... but the rest... YUCK!