Thursday, April 1, 2010

A trip to visit the Easter Bunny!

Easter seems like it's coming very quickly this year. Maybe with the all the birthdays it has just snuck up us! We visited the Easter Bunny this year with my brother Danny, Rachael Drew, and my parents. So crazy how everything changes in one year. Last Easter Hayden and Drew were just weeks old and slept through the experience. This year, they are both walking, curious little boys! Bronwyn was very excited since she is understanding more this year just what happens when it comes to this giant bunny! Hayden decided he would try and stick his fingers into the bunny's mouth! While Drew was getting his picture taken alone with the bunny, Bronwyn managed to hide behind the photographer... don't ask... and ended up getting stepped on! So when she and Hayden got to have their shot she was a red, teary, mess! The Easter Bunny had to tickle her just to get a smile! So sad since she was so excited to be there. But at least we made it through! I swear, it's just not finished unless one of my kids cries!