Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Deb/Mom/Grandma!

This weekend we celebrated Danny's moms birthday at the North Pole! We're trying to make it a yearly birthday tradition. Last year when we went Bronwyn was just about 6 months old so she couldn't be too involved in anything. But this year it was really fun to see her go crazy! She got to see Santa, go on rides, feed some animals, and spend the day with a bunch of family! I get super super sick if I go on any rides. Danny had to squeeze into a lot of the smaller rides just so she could go! What a good daddy! Although, Danny seems to have just as much on all the rides! And there even are a few bigger kid rides that he got to on by himself!

Bronwyn was so excited to see Danny on the roller coaster ride! She cheered him on each time he passed on along the track! She kept yelling "daddeeee" and waving her arm!

Parents were not allowed to ride on the boat ride so each of twins took Bronwyn and Alex so they could ride! Here's a video clip of the fun! (And by the way... that's silly Uncle Greg in the background getting their attention!)

There were lots more rides and tons more fun! Bronwyn had to check just how she "measured up" to ride this one! Too small! Maybe next year! Instead she took a break with Daphne!

There was a great picture we each bought of the whole family with Santa... I just have not scanned it yet! I'll try to get that on here as well! It was a really fun day! Can wait to take her each year as she gets bigger and bigger and do more and more!


Barb said...

Looks like a lotta fun! :)

david santos said...

Happy Birthday for nice Family!!!
Happy, Happy forever.

Jamie said...

I love the picture of all the cousins with santa! So Cute!!!!

Sassy Pants Freckle Face said...

Wow That looks like a blast!

BTW I Tagged you so you should check it out