Friday, September 19, 2008

12 Week Appointment!

Cute Mommy Graphics and Layouts

This baby is here to stay! Yesterday Danny and I went to the 12 week appointment and did all the 12 week screening that was offered. We had a very long ultrasound (on a very full bladder!) that showed us all the developments of the baby! We counted hands, arms, forearms, legs, and feet! We saw both of the kidneys, and the bladder, the spine and even different parts of the brain! They were also looking for any signs of the baby having downs syndrome. I had to give a small finger prick amount of blood and that testing will be sent off and we'll get more results later. All the growth is right on track! It was so reassuring to have such a good appointment and see such a bouncy baby in there! Really, this little one was bouncing all over the place! We got a couple of great pictures from the ultrasound technician...
In this one the head is turned looking right out at us!

This one shows the arm and hand up... sure looked like we were being waved to!

I think Danny and I both could have stayed in the room watching the ultrasound for hours! It's amazing to see the baby moving so much! Once we got back home and I picked Bronwyn up from my moms, I tried to show her the new pictures. She didn't seem surprised. But she still kisses my belly... well, when she's not climbing on it or poking it with her boney little elbow! So everything is looking really good! I was told I could stop taking my hormone prescription, I think that made my day! Goodbye little uncomfortable yellow pills!!! I guess pregnancy is one on my new favorite seasons... I even found out I've lost 3 pounds!!! if this end-of-day nausea would just go away...


Jamie said...

Awww how exciting for you all! I am so happy for you! You look so cute tara!

mcgee family said...

i am glad that things are going so well! we can't wait until new baby jones arrives in the spring! :)

Kelli said...

So happy!!! Love the little belly!

Evelyn ~ Evelina said...

Great News!! We're so happy everything is going well.

Sassy Pants Freckle Face said...

You are one beauty mama, I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Happy things are going well, many blessings to you and the tiny peanut

Sassy Pants Freckle Face said...

well I tagged you from my blog so come check it out

Elainaryan9 said...

Oh you look so cute! I love your pregnant pictures!! So glad for you guys!