Monday, September 15, 2008

Last wedding of the summer!

We have never been to so many weddings in one year! We went to our last one lastnight for Danny's cousin Melissa. Here is a picture I stole from Shannon of the new couple ~ Melissa and Adam!
I got to talk to alot of Danny's family that I've never had the chance to before. All of his his family is so sweet. Most of them have never seen Bronwyn in the flesh and I'm really glad they got to meet the real her! This is a picture of all the Patrick's side of the family. So this is Danny's Grandpa, his wife Mimi, and all the kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids... and their families! (Although I guess the new bride and groom didn't make it for this one!)

And here's a good one of Danny's Grandfather and Mimi again, just with the Great-Grandkids!
It's Alex and Logan, then Bronwyn, Kaylie, Taylor, Kaitlyn (Melissa's daughter) and Alyssa!

Bronwyn sure loves a good wedding! She was all over the floor once the dancing had started! I swear, she was queen of the dancefloor for a while with all eyes on her! I looked around while she was at it, and there were so many people taking pictures and movie clips of her! She's probably being passed all around U Tube today! I took a few clips of my own... and none of them came out!!! They are all just too dark! I won't put you through trying to find her in the dark... but if anyone has seen any other videos of her, please pass them my way!

Bronwyn did get a little dancing in with Grandma Deb too! They even joined in with Grandpa Scotty and did the Electric Slide! She really seemed to be having lots of fun!

And of course... a couple pictures of us! Here's Danny with Bronwyn and then one I took of me and Alex!

Then I tried to get Alex to take one of me and Logan... and snagged a shot with Kaylie!

It really was a fun night! Four weddings down! Who's left to get married???


Jamie said...

Love all the pictures! Looks like you had a good time! I would of liked to see Brownyn getting down on the dance floor!

Evelyn ~ Evelina said...

Great pictures. Looks like Bronwyn is going to be a party girl. Be ready for the teenage years...hehehehe