Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Who does Hayden look like... maybe just himself!

So far it seems like everyone is trying to figure out which of Hayden's features belongs to whom... I like to think they may just be his own! But take a look for yourself at Danny and my baby pictures... it might help you figure it out!
Here's Danny...

This picture I think looks a lot like Bronwyn.

Here's me... (and I feel bad for my mom, cause I was not a cute newborn! EEK!)

And here's sweet little Hayden...

Here's Bronwyn the day after we came home from the hospital. I think she and Hayden have a lot of similar features. I see her in him in a lot of his expressions.

So there you go... you can decide for yourself. Just be gentle... it always hurts when someone says they see no resemblance!winking smile Pictures, Images and Photos


Evelyn ~ Evelina said...

Precious, Precious, Precious!!

Sassy Pants Freckle Face said...

I can see a lil of both of you in him, but I tend to think he looks a lil more like mama. So with that, you must know you were a cute baby you were just making a funky face :)

He is oh so very handsome!

mcgee family said...

i am not sure who he looks like...i still think he resembles your brothers a little bit! but, he is stinkin' cute- that is for sure! i love the pic of him sleeping- like a little angel! what a precious little guy!