Monday, July 13, 2009

One packed 4th of July weekend!

We had one of the busiest weekends ever this weekend packed full of family fun! I wish I could share every picture I took, but there are just too many!
We started out Friday night with Danny's dad and Evelyn as they renewed there wedding vows for their 10th anniversary. It was so much fun to celebrate with them. Congratulations to them!
(This is such a great picture of them and I didn't get one that was nice so I stole it from Evelyn!)
My goal was to get a picture with each of our nieces and nephews! I got one with all of them!

Then Saturday, the 4th of July, we really were busy! We started off at my parents house for a BBQ with them and my brother, Rachael, and Drew. It was nice just to relax and hang out and eat!

After that we headed down to Colorado Springs to Danny's Aunt Gay's house to celebrate with his moms side of the family. They all came in from out of town for a little family reunion. It was really nice to see them all. I have only seem them for weddings so it was fun just to be there and hang out. Here's a few more pictures, I have not got around to stealing from everyone elses yet!

We headed home in time for what we thought would be a great fireworks show from our front porch... little did we know that the big show was cancelled this year! I guess it was pretty common for lots of places with the economy this year. BLAH! Oh well, my parents joined us at our house and we saw a few that some neighbors were doing. Bronwyn seemed pretty scared at first so I'm looking forward to next year when she's a little older!
It was a busy day and a late night. We were all ready for bed! Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday!


Evelyn ~ Evelina said...

Love all the pictures of you and each one of the kids. Neat idea!!

Sassy Pants Freckle Face said...

Simply DArling!! Love all the red white and Blue outfits, FUN!!!!

Shelly said...

WOW what a busy weekend! The kids are soooo adorable!

Barb said...

lotsa pics! wow~! nice job! :)