Saturday, July 25, 2009

My Little Guy

Hayden is now 4 months old! Crazy how time is passing so quickly! I took him to the peditrician last week and was confirmed of something... he's still a BIG BOY! He now weighs 16 pounds, 7 ounces and is just over 26 inches long. The doctor says that is a good combination. He's gonna' be big!

His new favorites are:
* sitting up in the Bumbo chair
* bouncing around in the jumper
* spitting up on Daddy ;)
* smacking at the little froggie on his jumper
* rolling onto his tummy... and get his "stuck" arm free!
* smiling at Bronwyn, mommy, and daddy

mommy graphics


Sassy Pants Freckle Face said...

Darling, I cannot belive how much he has grown. Tara you have one BEAutiful Family <3

Shelly said...

so so so cute... and he is a big boy...more to love!

Julie said...

He is a cutie!!! Love your blog! :)

Evelyn ~ Evelina said...

He is getting so big...he's so darn cute!!! Kisses from Abuela!!!

Me said...

I am a lurker, I may have commented before...I don't remember, haha.

Your little guy is so cute! I wanted to share a story of my daughter Emma and her Bumbo chair. The chub on her legs was so vast when she was younger that she got stuck once. It took my husband and me a full 10 minutes of working on it together to get her out, haha!!

You do have a beautiful family!