Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Blog for Bronwyn

I feel that I should take a minute and give Bronwyn some credit for all her efforts in potty training. I would say we are about 99.8% potty trained. A few months back my Aunt Marie told my mom what her daughter had done with one of hers boys and to try it. It seemed simple enough, so we tried it. One day when I went to change Bronwyn I went to grab a diaper only to find that *UT-OH*... we were out!!! I told her that we had some big girl panties but there were no more diapers! And it sort of worked. Of course there was stress... accidents... and countless numbers of panties used in the beginning, but then it began to stick. We started with treats, like m&m's and other small candy. I even let her pick change out of my wallet for her "ice cream man" fund. Now she just goes "bribe free"! (Unless of course she just wants some candy, she too smart and goes potty just so she can ask for some!) She knows when she needs to go and actually seems to feel bad if she does have an accident. She evens holds her tummy and says "my tummy hurts" when she feels like she has to go! She's been doing great! I'm able to take her out in public accident free now. (Well, most of the time!) But we're done with diapers! And that is fabulous! We put her in pull-ups for bedtime and usually for naps. But she stays dry overnight! I'm happy to have stuck with the trying. Two in diapers was going to break my bank!!!

Mommy Graphics


Sassy Pants Freckle Face said...

WAY TO GO!!!!!!!! YAY!!!


Shelly said...

YAY for Brownyn!!!! This is big thing... no matter how she did it...candy on not...she did it!

So happy for you all!!!!

Evelyn ~ Evelina said...

Woohoo Bronwyn!!! You are such a big girl. XXOO

Barb said...

Congrats, Bronwyn!