Friday, June 27, 2008

Bronwyn's 1st trip to the ER!

Last night we had quite a scare! Danny and I were sitting on the couch with Bronwyn when she went to slide down from Danny's lap. Something she has done a countless number of times. Although this time she crashed right into the edge of the coffee table. Immediately she developed a very large knot on her forehead that had a long purplish color line through it. We tried to ice it right away, and of course Bronwyn would not have it. She screamed and screamed and screamed some more... until she realized that Sesame Street was still on TV and then just wanted to go back to watching it. We, on the other hand, were very scared. I called my mom to see if we would be crazy to take her into the emergency room. She thought we should go. She said sometimes they need you to keep kids awake and up for awhile and we should be sure. I was so worried about it being her head, especially running the length from her hairline to her eyebrow!

So we quickly packed out and headed to the hospital. They were able to see her pretty fast. A doctor came in and checked her heartbeat and breathing. She checked her eyes and her ears for any signs of a concussion. It appeared everything was fine. They are calling it a hematoma (a collection of blood, generally the result of hemorrhage, or, internal bleeding)! Bronwyn was completely content as she was poked and prodded. They let us know how to follow-up with her care and what to expect as far as the changes to the bruising on her head. Once we got back home Bronwyn was her usual self. She played and giggled and never seemed to notice any pain.

After and bath and some milk I took her down to bed. She let me take a few more pictures and she snuggled in to sleep. I made sure to set my alarm for a couple of times during the night just to check on her. This morning she seemed fine also. And surprisingly enough, her lump seems to have gone down. No discoloration yet, but I'm sure that'll happen soon. Just another day in the life of Bronwyn! I know eveyone with kids has experienced something like this at one time or another. It was our first real accident and we just had to be sure she was okay! Lots of tears and $100 Emergency Room visit... but all worth it to make sure my baby lasts forever!!!


mcgee family said...

those are some milestones every parent could do without...first big lump on the head, and first visit to the ER! we are glad that everyone (including mom & dad) are okay! :)

Anonymous said...

ouchie! looks like that one hurt. i remember lea doing that kind of thing countless times and it freaks me out every time. glad she was ok.