Wednesday, June 4, 2008

You probably won't believe this...

... but it really happened!

About a week or so ago I caught Bronwyn hiding around a corner and I knew she was pooping. She was right outside the bathroom door and actually pointed to the door. (Small sidenote: We always have to keep the bathroom door closed or else she runs in and grabs the toilet paper and brings it to you... regardless of where you are!) I knew she had already pooped in her diaper but I took her in and let her sit on the big toilet and "try". She thought she was something special but of course had nothing to give! A couple times since when I "catch her in the act" I put her on the toilet but again, it's too late for anything more.

Over the weekend I bought her a little potty chair and just set it up this morning. We were downstairs cleaning and such when I saw her bend down a bit and pause. I asked her if she wanted to go potty and brought her and set her on the seat. She immediaetly gave a small push and I heard the tinkling in the potty!!! She really seemed like she knew just what she was doing! Luckily, today is a work-from-home for Danny so he was just a door away! I know he is thrilled to have been there for this first time event! We grabbed the camera so we could share! Once she was done we gave high-fives and showed her her "deposit"! Then we let her flush her pee-pees in the big toilet.
Of course, this may have been a one time thing but I think we'll just try once in the morning each day for a bit and see if she catches on! She's only 15 months old so we surley won't be disappointed if we need to wait. But we sure are excited!!!


Barb said...

wow! YAY! that's awesome! :-D

Anonymous said...

What a big girl!! Brynn just turned 3 and she still struggles with the potty. :) For 3 weeks she went all the time, now...she's not so interested. :)

Anonymous said...

Glad you got her a pillowcase dress! Which pattern did you get?

Anonymous said...

How funny! We both have good taste! They are great. I dry it flat and then iron it and it's so easy to iron, and I hate ironing! I just ordered her two more dresses, so she'll have total of 5 pillowcase dresses. :) There is also a seller on etsy where I sell the bows and she does pillowcase dresses with pillowcase shirts to match for the adults. :)