Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Update on the potty progress!

So it's been a week since the first tinkling on the potty chair. I am pleased to report that since then we have had a little more success! I can usually catch Bronwyn doing this little "squat" when she's either peeing or pooping in her diaper. So I just ask her if she needs to go potty and if she looks excited we run to the nearest bathroom. One day she tried on the potty with no luck, only to pee on the floor once I let her off the seat. We were out for a night with the girls over the weekend and she tried to go potty at my friends house only to try and... again... pee on the floor! (Sorry Lisa!) But, hey, at least she's getting it in the right room! Monday after getting home I saw Bronwyn starting "squat" posistion and we ran into the bathroom. She sat on the big toilet with her small seat insert and we waited a bit. I knew there was something on it's way so I started singing songs to her to keep her sitting and giggling! And then it happened! Her first poop on the potty!

YAY! smiley
So exciting! We're not really pushing it. Just letting her sit and see what happens! But I feel like we may just be on the right track!


Barb said...

How great would that be if you could have her potty trained by the end of summer?! Yay! Go Bronwyn!

Anonymous said...

Yay Bronwyn!!! Poop in the potty is a big event!!! Way to go girlie!