Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Cute Little Story...

This morning I was walking around barefoot (haha, and I'm pregnant! Get it! Okay...) and stepped on new runner rug that we have in the hallway. It's pretty scratchy, it's made of some twine looking stuff. Something poked my foot real hard! I walked back into the bedroom saying ouch and sat on the bed to look at the bottom of foot. Bronwyn came over to me and hugged my leg. I told that the rug hurt me! Then she ran out of the room! I heard some cabinets being slammed in the kitchen... and back in runs Bronwyn with a Magic Eraser!!! (You know, the Mr. Clean ones!) So she rubs it on my foot and then hugs my leg again. The she runs off to put it away!!! I love that she needed to help me!

Now... only if the Magic Eraser was actually "magic"...


mcgee family said...

awww...so cute! you just happened to have your camera handy for the photos that go along with this "funny story"? i know, i shouldn't talk. i always have my camera at the ready too! ;o)

Barb said...

SO???? What did you step on?!?