I am so excited for Halloween today! We're taking Bronwyn out trick-or-treating after work up at an outdoor shopping mall right near our house. The weather is absolutley perfect today! It's like 75 degrees! That's just amazing! A halloween without snow... I thought that didn't exist in Colorado! Every year as a kid we got dressed in layers, as to not ruin our costumes, but it was a fight to keep warm! Lots of kids have to throw on coats over their costumes... it really ruins the look! I always wanted to be a genie, but NEVER could! How would I have gone out with a bare tummy in those awful conditions???
After trick-or-treating at the stores we'll stop by my parents house, Jim and Evelyn's house and my cousin June's house to show off the pumpkin! Then Deb and Scott are coming over to see Bronwyn in costume!!! It'll be lots of fun for sure!
imikimi - Customize Your World
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!!!
blogged about with care by ~ tara 1 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Pumpkin bakes... Pumpkin cookies!!!
Lastnight I let Bronwyn help "make" pumpkin cookies with me. They were all ready made up but that seemed to be just as much fun to her... and less stressful for me... for her to help out!
She was allowed to take the cookie dough out of the bag, and put them in place on the cookie sheet!
And the best part and Bronwyn's favorite part of all... she got to eat those yummy cookies!!!
blogged about with care by ~ tara 2 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Bronwyn Goes to Boo at the Zoo!
This weekend my friends and I decided our kids just might be old enough to enjoy trick-or-treating through the Denver Zoo! So Barb, Kaitlin and Zoey, and Laura, Braden and Keegan and Bronwyn and I met down there for a fun filled afternoon! I've apparently been discounting the idea of the costume I chose for Bronwyn this year. She's a Pumpkin. Just a pumpkin. I'm sure we see hundreds of them walking the street every Halloween. But judging by the reactions and complimants we were given at the zoo... this is one pumpkin costume that was sure a favorite!!!
Although she can't say "trick-or-treat" and not anything that anyone else would recognize for "thank-you", she made her way throught the lines and recieved a small of candy! She really seems to have fun with it. I think she may have just liked all the attention! It seemed everyone stopped to compliment her costume, asking where I got it... some people even thought I made it! Everyone was waving at her! I even caught a few people shake her hand! At one point Laura said she felt like she was walking around with a celebrity! I heard so much that my responses to the constant complimenting were not even sincere! I just wanted her to keep walking!!!
Here are a couple of pictures with her friends! I think in the first one Bronwyn and Kaitlin were not sure just what all this "trick-or-treating" was about! And the next one is Bronwyn with Keegan. She's always trying to get close to anyone smaller than she is!
Bronwyn stopped and talked with some clowns too!
But she would only...
get... so...
close... and then not a step further!
We were able to get a group shot just before we left... Fun times for sure! I can't wait to take her each year! Our friends make all our new experiences so much fun!!!
blogged about with care by ~ tara 2 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
A "Daddy Picks" Day!
Danny took this week off of work to get some time and relax! We thought Thursday would be a good day to get out and have soem fun. I told Danny to pick the place and he suggested Monkey Bizness! He also thought a few of Bronwyn's friends should come along and partake in the fun! So Barb, Brandon, Kaitlin, Zoey, Laura, Braden and Keegan can along for the fun!
Bronwyn had so much fun on the bouncy slide! It's tough to get up there, and we carried her time and time again! I can't even believe I'm letting anyone see this close up... but these are true faces of fun... and fear!
We finally found a smaller version that she could do herself. She seemed so excited to get to the top and slide by herself! And as soon as she was down, she was heading back for more!
Last time we took her here was on the actual day of her 1st birthday. So she really was not able to do much! But this time was so much more fun. I think she was so exhausted she didn't know what to do with herself... and pouty Bronwyn made a few appearances!!!
It was great to get her out and exhausted! She couldn't even make it to lunch without falling asleep on the way. But once we got there she was ready to eat! Danny helped Laura out with Keegan and seemed quite content having a little baby boy to help watch! Regardless of what this baby-on-the-way is, I know he'll have a blast with two and have fun with a baby again! Geat idea to go out to Monkey Bizness Daddy! Lots of fun for everyone!!!
blogged about with care by ~ tara 3 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
Too funny to pass up!
Lastnight while I was putting away some laundry in Bronwyn's room, she hung out with me and played! She found her jack-in-the-box and decided that it was the toy for the night!!! My mom gave it to her for her first birthday and until lastnight I had never seen her actually try working the handle herself! Okay, check out the video... it's the funniest moment you've seen in a while!
blogged about with care by ~ tara 7 comments
Annual Trip to the Pumkin Farm!!!
Yesterday we headed out to our favorite pumkin farm with all our friends! We started off with the usual breakfast stop at Cracker Barrel to fill our tummies!!! Then we were off to the Anderson's Pumkin Farm! I really love going out there. The smells of kettle corn are my favorite! This year our group grew... and grew... and grew! It was so much fun to have so many friends be a part of our trip! And the weather was absolutley PERFECT! Almost too perfect, it was getting pretty hot by the time we were leaving! The Pumkin Patch was pretty well picked over. But it's more fun just to go out on the wagon ride and walk through the patch looking for one!
I got a quick video of Bronwyn and Danny in the patch... but sorry, this one'll hurt your neck... not sure how I managed this!
And after all that, her pumkin was rotten on one side! I tossed it when she wasn't looking (although I think my dad got it on video) and we let her pick a small gourd instead! I think she enjoyed the sticker they put on your pumkin most of all! She kept sticking it to her forehead! Thanks to everyone that went! Let's do it again next year!!!
blogged about with care by ~ tara 1 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
16 Week Appointment
We had our 16 week appointment this week! I was extremely nervous going in for this one. I've been having horrible dreams and I thought for sure my doctor was going to have some terrible news for us. But no, no! This was a great checkup! First I was weighed... I gained back the 4 pounds I had lost, bringing me back up to my starting weight. Next my blood pressure was taken, all normal. Then we got to hear the baby's heartbeat!!! I swear, it took FOREVER for the nurse to find it!!! I was starting to go a little crazy, but then I too, heard the familiar noise! I started to cry... of course cause that's what I do!
Then my doctor came in to go over everything and she still says all is going well! I had to head down to the lab for one more blood test to conclude the 1st trimester screening. My doctor called back over the weekend to confirm that everything looks good! I'm so relieved that this pregnancy is going well! And I'm not feeling sick like I was earlier. About once a week I have a bad night, and do feel pretty sick unless I'm resting, but other than that I'm doing great!
I've added something new to the page! It's a poll you can partake in called ExpectNet.com Online Baby Pool. You can find the link off to the left side of the page! My friend Barb welcomed her new baby to the world a few weeks ago and did this during her pregnancy. Seemed like a fun way to keep everyone involved... and to see whose predictions were most acurate! So... let the guessing begin!!!
blogged about with care by ~ tara 1 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
All in a days hard work!
This morning I helped out on one of the company's largest jobs... my dad's backyard! He had a couple of the guys helping throw mulch down on his many tiered backyard! I decided I could get in a little workout and help! Of course, I brought my own crew to the site!
We took care of shoveling the mulch into trash cans while the guys hauled them into the backyard. It took a few hours and was very tiring! My little helpers Bronwyn and Isela made it go lots more quickly! Isela kept making up little songs about working and they both filled small buckets to add to the cans. They seemed to be enjoying it. Isela asked if I was tired. I told her I was and that I was sweaty. First she told me I'd have to go home and take shower when we finished, then she told me that she was not tired because she was so strong... I like to think I was just working a little harder... but hey!
blogged about with care by ~ tara 4 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
More work in the basement...
The basement is really coming along! My dad and Danny have spent every weekend and a few nights a week working for the last 3 weeks or so. This week they are finishing up the drywall mud and will then move on to spraying the walls with texture this weekend. After that it's mostly just the paint and carpet and trim left! I can't wait to see it finished! ... and to get to create a little play area for Bronwyn!!!Bronwyn sure likes to be a helper! She's a "construction zone" kinda girl!!! She liked to help put on mud. My dad gave her the tiniest amount on her taping knife... but she thought she was in business! It's fun to watch her help... let's not talk about what she was wearing while helping or how much mud mommy had to scrape out of her hew shoes with a toothpick!!!
blogged about with care by ~ tara 2 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
Who needs Christmas when you've got Grandpa & Grandma!?!?
Today my dad decided that he was taking Bronwyn to Toy's R Us to buy Bronwyn a tool set. She's always finding tools and trying to help with whatever project is being done. My mom and I went along for the trip. "Tools" turned into a Home Depot toolbox full of tools! Then my mom added a cleaning cart set to the basket! Then she found the Barney toys and Bronwyn talked her into getting a singing dinosaur!!! On the way out of the store Bronwyn got to ride in the Mickey Mouse car!!! She really had fun! Who needs Disney World when we can go to stores and ride for 50 cents!?!?!
After the shopping experience we all went for lunch. (This was all part of my work day, so I had no problem being a part of the fun!) After lunch, my dad decided to head out to the Army/Navy Surplus store to get some new Carhart gear. He just couldn't pass up putting a toddler size coat on Bronwyn! And of course, she got that too! Thanks Grandpa and Grandma!!!
blogged about with care by ~ tara 4 comments
Little Girls and Colds are Never Fun!
Bronwyn has had a cold for the past week. Sure does not make for much fun. :( I even had a stay home with her on one of the days I usually work because she got sick and threw up that morning. Not sure what brought it on. It only happened that one morning, but the next day or so we were still dealing with the runny nose. After a bath one night I snagged a picture of her snuggling and trying to stay warm! Even when she's not feeling way, she's still super cute!
The next night she was super tired after cutting her nap short. She sat in her chair to watch some t.v. and I saw her lay her head down on the arm. She was out a minute later! She looked so peaceful, she'd even beed sitting on top of a hard plastic baby doll! But I guess when you're that tired...
Then yesterday we thought we needed to get out for some fun! So we met up with Lisa and Hailey for some lunch. We hung around and did a little shopping too! Then the girls got a little crazy while getting to run around outside before being shuffled into the car again!
blogged about with care by ~ tara 1 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Bronwyn's 1st Trip to the Circus!!!
This weekend my parents and Danny and I took Bronwyn to see the
It was so much fun to see her face light up once the show started! We had front row tickets!!! The price was definitaly worth it to see her so excited!!! Danny let her stand up on his lap for the first part of the show. She was looking all around the ring taking in everything that was going on! She danced and bounced around like crazy whenever there was music!!!
Because of how close our seats were we had a lot of interaction with the clowns. They'd be preforming their skits right in front of us at times! And the Ring Leader even came over and asked Bronwyn for a high five!!!
I tried to get a quick video of Bronwyn taking in the whole scene! I think this one must have been while things had calmed down for a minute!
I thought the elephants were tons of fun! They're so exciting to watch. It's really amazing how much they are trained to do!
It was such a fun time! I can't wait to take her back again next year! With that much excitement, how could you not!?!?
blogged about with care by ~ tara 2 comments