Friday, February 27, 2009

Hapyy Birthday Braden!

Our new nephew Drew shares a birthday with our friend Braden! He's turned 3 on Wednesday and when we left the hospital for a bit we headed over to make it to his birthday party at Chuck E Cheese! Bronwyn has never been there and it's been awhile since I have, so I didn't know what to expect! She had tons of fun! She really was crying on the way out. Thank goodness her and I had matching stamps on our hands from when we went in or they may have thought I was trying to steal someone elses child! She didn't care to have pizza, or even a cupcake, she only wanted to play! There were a few little rides that were perfect for her. And since we spent the day at the day at the hospital, each time anyone got something from the vending machine they let Bronwyn put in the money, she had putting coins into the rides down! The timing worked out great! It was fun and Bronwyn has a blast when all her friends were around! We'll definitaly have to take her back soon!